Men (and women, I assume) often develop a direct relationship between their job and their self-worth. The better job we have, the more useful and confident we feel. It's only natural, then, that when it comes to our work, we like to think we're special and invaluable, that no matter how tough the going gets, our bosses will see how many years we've dedicated to our jobs and be fully aware of what we do, making it impossible to let us go. That's what we assume and hope.
But as thousands of men and women have learned over the past few years, the reality of it is quite different. One character in The Company Men says, âI lose my job and the world keeps going.â Yes, because when our world stops, we automatically assume everyone else's does, or at least should. But it's a painful truth when you learn you may not be so special and that you're expendable. It's painful to learn, yes, but it's the truth.
This is something the characters of The Company Men must face. When the film opens, it is September 2008, and the DOW has plummeted 800 points. Bobby (Ben Affleck), Gene (Tommy Lee Jones) and Phil (Chris Cooper), men of various ranks and positions at Global Transportation Systems (GTX), suddenly face an uncertain future. Each of them lives in luxurious suburban homes outside of Boston with two-car garages, swimming pools, antique furniture, video game systems and widescreen televisions. They drive cars worth what most men would hope to make in a year.
Director John Wells shows us multiple shots of these material possessions early on to foreshadow such things are about to succumb to the economic crisis. Wells' methods are not as blatant as they are blunt. These men are about to lose what they've worked to obtain and will learn security isn't a given. They're not bad men, but perhaps they've come to expect too much.
Bobby is the first to be let go. The Human Resources representative (Maria Bello) tells him that he (and 5,000 other employees) will receive three months severance plus training and guidance to find other employment. The scenes where Bobby must endure small work spaces and listen to a personnel agent deliver her routine speech about fear, determination, success and waking up your inner tiger are sad and pathetic, but, sadly, probably accurate.
Download Link: Free download The Company Men movie provided by Gingle
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