Sunday 24 November 2013

Camp Rock Download free

Fledgling action hero The Rock continues to make surprising career decisions. His latest unexpected choice is to portray a probation officer and (eventual) football coach to a group of juvenile delinquents.

The story of the CIF league champion Mustangs was first brought to national awareness during a 1993 television special hosted by Louis Gosset, Jr. The documentary brought to light the unprecedented accomplishments of Sean Porter, an officer at Camp Kilpatrick (where the movie will also be shot).

Given three weeks to build a football team to compete against other high school teams, Porter embarked upon a bold course of action. He asked members of competing gangs to join his new group. Many of these kids were convicted of crimes that would belie their age. More than one had been charged with murder, but had gotten a sentence at juvie due to their youth. There was the expected amount of early turmoil as the troubled youths struggled to integrate into the team alongside their perceived enemies from the other gangs. The Mustangs started the season 0-3 and looked to be a lost cause.

Then, something surprising happened. Porter managed to get through to his young charges. They began to eschew their prior differences and function as a team rather than a group of diverse individuals. They put their violence to a more positive use, winning their next ten games and making it all the way to the state championship. The Mustangs did not win the game, but they did have players earn both Offensive and Defensive player of the year honors. Porter was named CIF coach of the year for his amazing achievements.

The Rock's decision to portray Porter, while unexpected, is a good career choice. A former starter for the Miami Hurricanes, his credibility as a football player equals that of former Florida State running back Burt Reynolds in The Longest Yard. Choosing a role that enhances his profile as an actor instead of a fighter is another good move on the heels of Be Cool. While projects such as Doom and Spy Hunter will further augment his action hero resume, it's projects like this one that will eventually determine his staying power in Hollywood. (David Mumpower/BOP)

Download Link: Camp Rock FREE Download Links provided by Gingle

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